Attorney Services   

Private investigators can provide you with additional facts and evidence which may have never been uncovered through the normal process. Additional key witnesses and facts may be discovered which could be of a great benefit for your client. More important, if a case goes to trial, a private investigator can testify to statements and facts obtained during the investigation. As an attorney representing a client, you are not able to testify.

Insurance Services 

How often have you paid a substantial settlement, only to learn that additional facts went uncovered? Private investigators may uncover additional facts which could result in your insurance company paying a lower settlement or possibly paying no settlement at all.

Business Services   

Prior to making your final decision on hiring an individual, have you ever considered doing a thorough background investigation on your applicant(s)? Maybe your top choice applicant is one who "Talks the Talk” - but can't “Walk the Walk" and your second or third applicant may really be your best choice. We will work with you to help you as an employer, to tailor the type of background investigation that fits the needs of your business.

Personal Services  

Sometimes a person finds themselves in a position in which they would like to find out the truth and facts. In certain situations, an individual is not able to perform these tasks themselves. Some of these situations could include a spouse that might be having an affair, a drug addiction, a gambling addiction, or an alcohol addiction. Other situations could consist of someone isolating a parent in an attempt to financially exploit them. In a marriage dissolution, maybe your spouse might be hiding certain assets from you in which you are entitled to. Private investigators can often uncover the truth and facts that you are not able to.